Saturday, February 21, 2015

Movies as modern classical music - continued ...

John Williams is one of our great modern composers of classical style music, especially in the movie genre.  It is interesting to me how certain styles of music become associated with specific activities.  In this score, we start out with a beautiful violin solo (technically not a solo since there is another instrument, the guitar, accompanying the violin).  This is perhaps one of the most beautiful violin passages ever written; the violin almost cries.  Interestingly, the theme of this solo both opens and closes the score.  In the middle, we crescendo to full orchestra, with interplaying melody and harmony, and then, finally, to fife and drums with horn overlay - handling the melody, absolutely stirring, which set the time of this film at the American Revolution.  As I said, styles are associated with activities.

The Patriot (John Williams)

The film is actually based on a real figure of the revolution, Francis Marion, aka "The Swamp Fox", one of South Carolina's most famous sons.  He operated, on at least one occasion, not far from where my father grew up in the Lancaster area of South Carolina, but most of his activity was around the coastal areas of South Carolina - deep in the swamps.

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